Sunday, July 11, 2010

Blog # 9

"Bombs Bursting in Air"

1.- bomb that exploded on shanon's home sent splinters.- sight

2.- stroking her hair.- touch

3.- Feeling of being cocooned withing reassuring walls.- feeling

4.- As grew older the bombs dropped closer.- feeling

5.-Bumped her head sleeding.- touch

6.-Shot himself in the woods.- hearing

7.- Curve too fast and crashed .- hearing

8,- Sat by his bed holding his hand.- touch

10.- Teacher's drew diagrams of saturn.- sight

Car broke down.- touch

Root canal work in my right tooth.- hear

2. Son's sneakers were develop holes .- sight

3. Windows in the bedroom were still leaking .- sight

4. My hair was turn gray

5. The house needed paint.- sight

6. Took up playing my flute again.- touch

7. The uneven vibration screkched through the house.- vibration

8.flooged with bamboos.- touch

9. scandalize cry.- hearing

10. sagged flabbily to his knees.- sight

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