Monday, July 12, 2010

Blog# 10

How to make a cake""

Fist heat oven on 350* F. After Grease the bottom and sides of a cake container. Then Beat cake mis, oil wataer and three eggs in a bowl on low speed for about for minutes.Pour into the pan. Lastly bake for lo additional minutes or until the top looks brown. Insert a pick and if it come out clean it shows that cake is ready. Cooll it for five or eight minutes and enjoy.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Blog # 9

"Bombs Bursting in Air"

1.- bomb that exploded on shanon's home sent splinters.- sight

2.- stroking her hair.- touch

3.- Feeling of being cocooned withing reassuring walls.- feeling

4.- As grew older the bombs dropped closer.- feeling

5.-Bumped her head sleeding.- touch

6.-Shot himself in the woods.- hearing

7.- Curve too fast and crashed .- hearing

8,- Sat by his bed holding his hand.- touch

10.- Teacher's drew diagrams of saturn.- sight

Car broke down.- touch

Root canal work in my right tooth.- hear

2. Son's sneakers were develop holes .- sight

3. Windows in the bedroom were still leaking .- sight

4. My hair was turn gray

5. The house needed paint.- sight

6. Took up playing my flute again.- touch

7. The uneven vibration screkched through the house.- vibration

8.flooged with bamboos.- touch

9. scandalize cry.- hearing

10. sagged flabbily to his knees.- sight

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Blot # 4 Pornography in a Planes

I think it is demeaning to watch pornography in a plane. Not only because it is an inappropriate place to be watching it, but it violates public rights. The fact that one person pays for his ticket, does not give them the right to do whatever he pleases. The plane has policies that passengers need to comply and abide by. It is disrespectful on behalf of the passenger not subjected to such policies. In addition, children that travel on the plane are more likely to be exposed to viewing those sexual harmful images, having devastating effects on their minds. If I my children were to travel in that plane, I would be offended of those obscene and disturbing scenes being shown by the passengers because their innocent minds will be engraved with mind-boggling acts being performed.

Blog # 6 "Abortion"

Abortion is widespread. Women from different ages, cultural levels and ethnics have recur to abortion for more than a century. Some women have take n this risky choice for feeling pressure of their partners to abort, others because they have been rape as a result abhor the unborn baby and take this frightening choice to get rid of the child. Teens are among those women’s that get an abortion.  It is sadly to say that women are no sensitive to commit this horrible act of abort their babies. Regardless of their situation, they should consider that they have a baby in their womb and they should have empathy for that baby. I know it is difficult to keep with an undesirable pregnancy, especially if a woman has been rape, but the baby that is their womb need to have a chance to live. Since life starts from conception he already is a human being because he breaths and his organs are being develop. He is also sensitive to pain. It is unfair taking away a life and impeding his development by aborting him. 

Blog # 7 How to handle opposition

Hostile situations can cause discouraging reactions. Opposition can come from family, friends, neighbors or other person. When things take different course that you expect it might be a challenge .I recall the time when I did plans with my husband to work on a family project, and he accord with me to work on the project, but later he refused to do it, finding excuses claiming to have other things to do. I felt so discouraged and incapable to go on with the establish plans, because I rely on him to support. In those cases even negative emotions invaded me and make me feel so overwhelming, I try to remember comforting bible thoughts that help me to keep on. For instance I recall a bible passage that said," Have you ever shown yourself discourage in the day of distress, your power will be scanty, Then I mentally reason if I give up now how am I going to solve the problem, when I ponder in that thought to help me recover enough strength to deal with unpleasant situation and see thing from different perspective. In addition, the desire and love for my family help me to take courage to work on any unexpected opposition. I realize that a good attitude can make the difference when facing opposition.

car 3

A standard and automatic car are different. The standard car you have to change gears and use the hand manually while using your foot to press the clutch pedal. In contrast, in the automatic car you just need to put the automatic gear selector in drive.

Automatic and Standard cars

An automatic car is better to drive than a standard car. You just put the gear selector on drive and press the accelerator and it is ready to go . Unlike the standard car, the driver does not have to deal with the inconveniences to change gears. In addition, he can have the chance to relax while driving.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

How to change behavior

One way to change behavior is having a positive attitude toward the defect we need to work on. For example if someone need to changed his weaknesses ,be aggressive. Firstable ,that person need to be aware of the challenges that he face. Then he needs to analyze how he handle that weakness. He might be determine to replace words and actions whenever he feels is things are out of his control. For instance if he notice that he cursed people or blame on them when something come out wrong, next time he will be conscious of do not repeat the same mistake of blaming others, in that case he will be able to come down and work on possible alternatives to solve the issue. Being aware of obstacles will allow him to control his behavior successfully. Finally if he realize that social influence cause him to have a bad behavior , he will avoid negative influences and will associate with people with high values.