Sunday, September 12, 2010


Drugs are a widespread and growing problem for adults and teenagers. Of course teenagers are the most vulnerable people because the lack of experience in life and they do not know how to cope with stressful and difficult circumstances when they arise. Drugs have disturbed young people’s life. Once teenagers have access to drugs their physical appearance and attitudes change. Young people show they are engaged in drugs for the way they look and act. For instance, their eyes turn red; also they feel drowsiness with no apparent reason. In addition, they look tired and distant from the real world. It seems they ignore what is going on in their surroundings. Regarding their attitude, they get irritable and offended easily. Feelings of anger and frustration are exposed for they do not know how to deal with adverse situations. Because of drugs, they put not only theirs, but others life at stake. While driving on the road they become a threat for anyone who intersects on his way. Their perception fails to respond immediately to danger. They are unable to react fast when decisions needs to be taken. Judgment is a priority in the decisions made. Abusing drugs can lead to brain damage and of the neurotransmitters that control movement, feelings and motivation in our brain which can alter patterns of behavior such as eating .If young people indulge in drugs and overlook its effects, they may not acquire the skills to become mature adults .Another reason that drugs have become a huge problem in youths lives is due to the peer pressure. Even though some opponents may argue that drugs like marijuana are not potentially harmful, and claim that no one has died from taking it, it can a factor of the youths getting into hardcore drugs. Since their emotional well-being is at risk, young people should be informed and take better decisions for his life


  1. Are you saying that all drugs are bad? I mean what if you have a headache or diabetes and you take certain medications to help your body return to its normal, happy state? Aren't other drugs just an extension of that idea. Take marijuana for instance. Isn't it possible that there are certain types of ailments that can be helped with marijuana that other drugs just can't help? I have heard stories where people swear by the help that marijuana has given them to cope and in some cases even overcome their illness. I have a friend who is a smoker (tobacco) and she was recently in the hospital for a rare throat cancer. She lost her appetite due to the chemo and radiation treatments and they perscribed her marijuana to help get her appetite back.

  2. I believe that you are wrong about marijuana. First of all marijuana is a natural plant, and so far has not hurt anybody. How many people do you know that got sick from smoking or eating marijuana? The only reason why marijuana has such a bad reputation is because of the government. They refuse to legalize it because it is a big source of money for them. Marijuana do not causes cancer on the other hand cigarette and alcohol does. In my opinion if one day the government would legalize marijuana the world would be a better place. After all America is the land of freedom and the constitution stated that all men have the right to do whatever they please as long it does not interfere with his neighbor happiness. I can understand if someone his doing crack or cocaine, because I stand against those type of drugs. Is it possible for you to over dose on marijuana? No. but on the other hand you can over dose on alcohol, drink too much of it and I guaranty you that your hart can explode. When it comes to marijuana you can only smoke but so much because when you start to get hungry and trusty, you will stop and go take care your stomach? Every day people are getting drunk and then they get in there car and drive off. I will feel better if everybody were to be smoking marijuana and stay home eating watching television and tell jock than get kill on my way back home by a drunk driver. I would rather smoke marijuana all my live and not care about a dam thing rather than go out and have a few drinks, get wasted and end up in a fight and get kill or killing some one, because I am too good looking to go to prison. Stop blaming everything on marijuana, it is not the cause of it if you trash your life, it is only because you did not do what you were suppose to do. Try it I guaranty you that you are going to love. If you are girl she will become your BBF, and if you are a boy she will be more than happy to be your little girlfriend.
