Monday, June 21, 2010


I am pro abortion. I believe abortion is a murder because even the victims of abortion may be assault, or aborting just for they do not want to deal with the unborn baby. Despite of those unpleaseant circunstances wheter they have been rape or decided not having the baby, that is an act of murder. I recognize the victims have to cope with negative feelings and even sometimes get critiques from their family.However they should be aware of the negatives feelings and guilty they have to deal the rest of their life.For that reason they need to consider not only their choices, but the babie future that is on their hands.
In addition to abortion , an unborn baby is a gift of god, the fetus is a person with life. He has a heartbip since the twenty two weeks to be form. Overall , even though womens that deal with abortion haved the right to give a baby life or a chance to live. The unborn baby deserve life.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Temporary worker visa program

Immigration is a great concern from American goverment. Illegal workers are escalating rapidily. For this reason, Congress should implement a worker visa program for these workers and families. Although it had been a legalization reform in 1986, Yet. It did not fill the gaps. Many undocumented worker still enter illegally in to the country.
Given a temporary worker visa program will benefit immigrants families. For instance, they will be more likely to work freely and be eager to be productive workers. Take the case of Manuel, who get into The United States illegal . Most of the time he was hidden from police officer, everytime he get on to his car to going to his work. Even more, he was stopped frequently just for looking latino. Despite all his efforts to be a honorable person, he hardly get a permit to allow him to get in forcework.
If prospect of Congress regarding to elaborate a temporary worker visa program, It really be relevant for the country, because it will not only will help those hard workers, but will meet their needs.
I do not what the government concerns in the future, but they have the right to help those in need, same as being simpatethic with families